

"You can never solve problems with the same way of thinking that created them." Albert Einstein sums up our way of working. At Peak Matters GmbH, outplacement, i.e. professional support during or after the loss of a job, is not the end of the story: we are with you until the probationary period for a new challenge is over and are also there for you and your employees afterwards. As an employer, you show responsibility for your employees and for your good reputation on the labor market with an outplacement program. As an employee, you benefit from professional positioning in an environment that suits you. In addition to individual topics, you can expect the following offer tailored to your industry and career level:

  • Separation culture and assessments
  • Step by step through the entire application process
  • From the competence profile to the perfect resume
  • Cover letter for the open and hidden job opportunities
  • Telephone application
  • Direct and personal application
  • Digital application and social media
  • Direct approach and headhunters
  • Self-marketing and presentation skills, elevator speech
  • Job interviewing
  • Salary negotiations and negotiating contracts
  • Onboarding, probation period and the time afterwards
  • Debriefing and 360° feedback
  • Creation of a life balance
  • Executive and leadership special 

We offer all services in English, German and French.