Career coaching, executive coaching, personal coaching


"To see clearly, it is often enough to change the direction of your gaze." Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the author of this quotation, often changed his perspective, and not only as a pilot. In the process, he created literary planets, little princes, unique flowers and a sheep in a cardboard box. Often old and externally determined patterns influence our lives. When these burden and restrict our freedom of action and quality of life, it is time for coaching, may they be professional or private. We, at Peak Matters GmbH support and accompany you on your path and explore what else can be helpful besides coaching. We offer methods with different approaches and are convinced that each topic has its' specific approach. You will receive support that is neither doctrinal nor dogmatic, but that fits you. We use techniques from NLP, Systemic Coaching, Transactional Analysis and many other fields. Last but not least, our years of experience and the common sense help. Spend your valuable time of life professionally and privately in a way that allows you to fully develop! We provide coaching in German, English and French.